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High-resolution ammonia mapping of the very young protostellar core Chamaeleon-MMS1

机译:非常年轻的protostellar核心的高分辨率氨映射   蝘蜓,mms1



Cha-MMS1 was mapped in the NH_3(1,1) line and the 1.2 cm continuum using theAustralia Telescope Compact Array, ATCA. The angular resolution of the ATCAobservations is 7'' (~ 1000 AU), and the velocity resolution is 50 m s^{-1}.The core was also mapped with the 64-m Parkes telesope in the NH_3(1,1) and(2,2) lines. Observations from Herschel Space Observatory and Spitzer Spacetelescope were used to help interpretation. A compact high column density corewith a steep velocity gradient is detected in ammonia, with a fractionalammonia abundance compatible with determinations towards other dense cores. Thedirection of the velocity gradient agrees with previous single-dishobservations, and the overall velocity distribution can be interpreted asrotation. The rotation axis goes through the position of a compact far-infraredsource detected by Spitzer and Herschel. The specific angular momentum of thecore is typical for protostellar envelopes. A string of 1.2 cm continuumsources is tentatively detected near the rotation axis. The ammonia spectrasuggest the presence of warm embedded gas in its vicinity. An hourglass-shapedstructure is seen in ammonia at the cloud's average LSR velocity, also alignedwith the rotation axis. Although this structure resembles a pair of outflowlobes the ammonia spectra show no indications of shocked gas. The observedammonia structure mainly delineates the inner envelope around the centralsource. The velocity gradient is likely to originate in the angular momentum ofthe contracting core, although influence of the outflow from the neighbouringyoung star IRS4 is possibly visible on one side of the core. The tentativecontinuum detection and the indications of a warm background component near therotation axis suggest that the core contains a deeply embedded outflow whichmay have been missed in previous single-dish CO surveys owing to beam dilution.
机译:使用澳大利亚望远镜紧凑阵列ATCA将Cha-MMS1映射到NH_3(1,1)线和1.2 cm连续区域中。 ATCA观测的角分辨率为7''(〜1000 AU),速度分辨率为50 ms ^ {-1}。岩心还与NH_3(1,1)和(2,2)行。赫歇尔太空天文台和斯必泽太空望远镜的观测资料被用来帮助解释。在氨气中检测到具有陡峭速度梯度的紧凑型高柱密度岩心,其氨分数富集与对其他致密岩心的测定兼容。速度梯度的方向与以前的单碟观测一致,并且整体速度分布可以解释为旋转。旋转轴穿过Spitzer和Herschel检测到的紧凑型远红外光源的位置。核心的特定角动量是星际包膜的典型特征。暂时在旋转轴附近检测到一串1.2厘米的连续来源。氨光谱暗示在其附近存在温暖的嵌入气体。在云的平均LSR速度(也与旋转轴对齐)中,在氨气中看到了沙漏状的结构。尽管此结构类似于一对流出瓣,但氨光谱未显示出受冲击气体的迹象。观察到的氨气结构主要描绘了中央源周围的内包膜。尽管从邻近的年轻恒星IRS4流出的影响可能在磁芯的一侧可见,但速度梯度可能起源于收缩磁芯的角动量。试探性连续谱检测和旋转轴附近有温暖的背景成分的迹象表明,岩心中含有深埋的流出物,由于束稀释,以前的单皿CO测量可能会漏掉。



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